Plot announcements have been added to the server! This thread will explain how to use the new /announce command. You can use /announce <message> to broadcast a message to everyone on the plot, this can be useful for roleplays and minigames. Example:
The message is also sent in chat:
Features and limitations listed below:
Must be the plot owner or plot staff to use the command
1 minute cooldown
Can only color the announcements if you are a donator $10+
Can click on the message in chat to report it in case people are breaking the rules
If you don't want to see plot announcements on your screen you can disable it by going to /settings
How to color announcements Donators are able to color their announcements by using color codes and hex codes. Example: /announce &aThis &bis &ca &dtest &eusing &2plot &3announcements &4with &5colors!
How to report a plot announcement in chat You are able to report a plot announcement in chat if people are bypassing the rules by clicking on the message:
How to disable plot announcement messages on screen You can disable viewing announcements on the screen by going to /settings