Proximity local chat
Hi everyone,
We've added a proximity command for local chat, the command is /proximity [number of blocks]. These are the following ranges you are able to set: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400. You can reset your proximity by using /proximity reset. You can also use /proximityfocus to view messages outside of your set proximity range in a different color. This is a toggle command so if you want to disable proximityfocus just run the command again. This can help you focus on messages within your proximity while keeping an eye on messages outside of your range in a different color. If you are a Donator [$45] and above you can customise the color for messages outside your proximity range with /proximityfocus <hex code>. To reset the color back to default you can use /proximityfocus reset
How it works
If a player has their proximity set to 50 blocks they will only be able to see messages sent within 50 blocks from where they are standing. When you have proximity enabled your messages in local chat will be prefixed with the proximity that you set but only you will see this prefix in chat. The prefix is a reminder for the player that they have proximity enabled, other players will not see this prefix. For example if you set your proximity to 50 you will see (50m) next to your username but no one else will see that.
How to set your proximity
To set your proximity use /proximity [number of blocks]
In this example I will be using /proximity 50
I will only be able to see messages sent in local chat if the player is within 50 blocks from where I am standing

How to reset your proximity
To reset your proximity use /proximity reset

How to set proximity focus
You can view messages sent outside of your set proximity range in a different color by using /proximityfocus. This command is a toggle so to disable it you can run the same command again.
In this example the player has set their proximity to 50 and enabled proximity focus with /proximityfocus. The player SuperMonis is outside of the 50 blocks range so their messages show in a faded yellow color to indicate they are outside of your proximity:

How to customise the proximity focus color
If you are a Donator [$45] and above you can use /proximityfocus <hex code>
You can reset the color back to the default with /proximityfocus reset
Example: /proximityfocus CD473