Hi everyone,
Plot announcements have been added to the server! This thread will explain how to use the new /announce command.
You can use /announce <message> to broadcast a message to everyone on the plot, this can be useful for roleplays and minigames.
The message is also sent in chat:
Features and limitations listed below:
- Must be the plot owner or plot staff to use the command
- 1 minute cooldown
- Can only color the announcements if you are a rank $10+
- Can click on the message in chat to report it in case people are breaking the rules
- If you don't want to see plot announcements on your screen you can disable it by going to /settings
[$] Ranked users are able to color their announcements by using color codes and hex codes.
Example: /announce &aThis &bis &ca &dtest &eusing &2plot &3announcements &4with &5colors!
How to report a plot announcement in chat
You are able to report a plot announcement in chat if people are bypassing the rules by clicking on the message:
How to disable plot announcement messages on screen
You can disable viewing announcements on the screen by going to /settings