Hi everyone,
This is an announcement about a quality of life feature which now allows you to save your roleplay names! This is a feature for [$10] Supporters and above.
Rank [$10] can save up to 3 roleplay names
Rank [$55] can save up to 5 roleplay names
Rank [$100] can save up to 20 roleplay names
How to save a roleplay name
To save a roleplay name make sure you've set your roleplay name first using /rpname [name] and then use /rpname save.
In this example I will be using /rpname Mr.Invincible and then /rpname save. To create gradient names you need to be a Rank [$100], you can use this website to help you:
How to list your saved roleplay names
To list your saved roleplay names you can use /rpname list
You can click on (Use name) and the server will automatically set your roleplay name the way you saved it, to delete a saved roleplay name you can click on (Delete name):