

OFFICIAL WorldEdit Guide



Official WorldEdit Guide

| Region Selection
Your region selection is the area between your first and second positions, specifically the area you will be editing. It isn't necessary to set positions for every command, the command will state whether or not you need one on this guide.
  • You can use //wand to get a wooden axe (or just get one out of your inventory). Then right click a block to set your first position, and then left click another block to set your second position.
  • The second option would be to use //pos1 to set your first position where you are standing,and then use //pos2 to set your second position.
  • The final way is to use //hpos1 to set your first position on the targeted block, and then //hpos2 to set your second position on the targeted block. This means the position will be set to the block you're facing (where the + is facing, on the middle of your screen).
| The //set command
This command sets the region selection area to the block you specify in the command.

To use the command, make a region selection and then use //set (block) to set your region selection to the block you have specified. If you want to set the area to multiple blocks, you can use //set (block),(block),(block) and the area will be set to the blocks you have specified, and they'll be distributed evenly within the region selection. To decide how often you want the blocks to show up, you can add percentages in the command. Like this, //set 50%(block),20%(block),10%(block),30%(block) and if you are going to do that, make sure your percentages add up to 100%.

| The //walls command
This command will set walls around the area you have selected, it does not create any ceiling or floor.

To create the walls, make a region selection and then use //walls (block). If you want to set the area to multiple blocks, you can use //set (block),(block),(block) and the area will be set to the blocks you have specified, and they'll be set an equal amount of times. To decide what block you want to be shown most, what block you want to be shown least, you can add percentages in the command. Like this, //set 50%(block),20%(block),10%(block),30%(block) and if you are going to do that, make sure your percentages add up to 100%.

| The //copy and //paste commands
This command allows you to copy and paste your builds.

Once you have selected what you want to copy, stand in a position that is easy to remember and type //copy to copy what you selected. When you have copied it, your build you copied is now known as your 'clipboard'. You then need to move over to where you want it to be pasted, and stand in the same kind of location you were in when you copied it. When you are in that position you can then enter //paste to paste the clipboard down. It will be pasted in the exact same way you copied it as, if you want it flipped or rotated in anyway, read further down the thread as it explains there.

You can also use //cut to copy the build, but remove it at the same time. It works in the exact same way as the //copy command does, expect from the fact that the build has been removed. Then you can use //paste to place the clipboard back down.

If you're wanting to paste the build down with the biomes within that region selection, you can use //paste -b to do so. The "-b" represents the addition of the biomes when pasting.

You can paste your copied selection area without air with //paste -a.

| The //rotate command
This command allows you to rotate the area you have within your region selection.

Make sure you have copied what you want to rotate before doing anything else, if you don't know how to copy your region, read above as it explains how to do so.

Once you have copied the region, you can use //rotate (yRotate) (xRotate) (zRotate). The "(yRotate)" is required in order for the rotation to work, and it will determine the degrees your build gets rotated along the Y axis. The "
(xRotate)" is the degrees you want it rotated by on the X axis and the "(zRotate)" is the degrees you want it rotated by on the Z axis - the X axis and Y axis are not required for the rotation to work. Your region won't be placed down until you have used //paste to paste it down.

When using //rotate it's a good idea to keep in mind that the clipboard will always rotate clockwise.

Here is an example:

This is how my build was before I rotated it (The white dot being where I copied it from, so it will rotate around that point):

The screenshot below shows that I have rotated and pasted the pink rectangle three times by 90 degrees:

| The //flip command
This lets you flip the selected region selection to be in a certain position.

For this to work, you are required to have a clipboard before doing anything (copy what you want to flip). If you aren't sure how to copy, read above as it explains how.
Once you have copied what you want to flip, you can use //flip (direction) to flip the clipboard. The "(direction)" must be replaced with the way you want it to flip, so 'Up, 'Down' 'North', 'East', 'South', or 'West'. To place down the flipped version of your clipboard, you will need to use //paste so it has been placed down.

Here is an example of an original build and it being flipped upside down:

The screenshot below shows the original house (The diamond blocks are showing where I set my two positions).

The screenshot below shows a screenshot of the house flipped upside down. I used //flip up.

| The //replace command
This command allows you to replace a block to another block.

To use this command, you will need to type //replace (from_block) (to_block). The "(from_block)" is the block you are wanting to remove, the old block. You can list blocks in this variable by separating them with commas, for example: stone,grass_block,diamond. The "(to_block)" is the block you are wanting to be there now, the new block. You are also able to list blocks in this variable by separating them with commas, example is shown above.

| The //pyramid and //hpyramid command
This command allows you to create a pyramid or a hollow pyramid, with the center being at the block you're standing on.

To create a regular sphere you can use //pyramid (block) (radius). The "(block)" being the block(s) you want to use, the "(radius)" being the size of the pyramid.

To create a hollow pyramid, you will need to use //hpyramid (block) (radius) or //pyramid-h (block) (radius). All of the variables have the same meaning as stated for the normal pyramid, but the "-h" states that you are wanting it to be a hollow pyramid.

| The //sphere and //hsphere command
This command allows you to create a sphere or a hollow sphere, with the center being at the block you're standing on.

To create a regular sphere you can use //sphere (block) (radius). The "(block)" being the block(s) you want to use, the "(radius)" being the size of the sphere.

To create a hollow sphere, you will need to use //hsphere (block) (radius) or //sphere -h (block) (radius). All of the variables have the same meaning as stated for the normal sphere, but the "-h" states that you are wanting it to be a hollow sphere.

| The //cyl and //hcyl command
This command allows you to create a cylinder or a hollow cylinder, with the center being at the block you're standing on.

To create a regular cylinder you can use //cyl (block) (radius) (height). The "(block)" being the block(s) you want to use, the "(radius)" being the size of the cylinder and the "(height)" being how tall you want the cylinder to be. If you want the height to go below your standing point you can use negative numbers (e.g. -1, -2, -3, -4, -5).

To create a hollow cylinder, you will need to use //hcyl (block) (radius) (height) or //cyl -h (block) (radius) (height). All variables have the same meaning as stated for the normal cylinder, but the "-h" states that you are wanting it to be a hollow cylinder.

| The //drain command
You can drain large areas of water using this command.

Make sure you are standing in an area of water, then use //drain (radius) to remove all water within that radius. Note that if you are going to choose a radius larger than your plot size, it will end up in the shape of a diagonal square.

| The //line command
This will draw a line between your first position and second position.

To use this command you will need to type //line (block) (thickness). The "(block)" is required, and it will let you specify what block you want the line to be in. The "(thickness)" will let you determine how thick you would like the line to be.

| The //center command
You can find the center of the selected area using this command.

To do this, make sure you have set your region selection. You can then use //center (block) to set the middle of the selected region to a specific block. In chat it will say "(#) blocks affected", showing how many blocks are in the middle of that region selection.

| The //brush command
With the brush tool you can create all sorts of structures/terrain. It allows you to spawn shapes from a far distance, in a block of your choice and of a size of your choice. It's a good idea to note that you are only able to set your brushes to tools and not full blocks.
  • To do a shape brush:
    ⁃ Hold a tool in your hand and use /brush (shape) (block) (size). The "(shape)" must be replaced with the type of brush you want, here are the possible ones you can use: Sphere (//brush sphere), and/or Cylinder (//brush cylinder).The "(block)" must be replaced with the block(s) you want the sphere to be in. If you would like to do multiple blocks then you must separate them with commas in between each. The "(size)" must be replaced with how big you want the sphere to be. You then right click to spawn it, it will spawn at the targeted block (where the arrow in the center of your screen is aimed at).

  • To do a smoothing brush:
    ⁃ This brush lets you blend the area you are right clicking on. To do this you need to hold a tool and type /brush smooth (radius) (blocks) to bind the brush to the tool you're holding. The "(radius)" states how big of an area you're wanting to smooth, and the "(blocks)" allows you to specify what blocks you want the brush to blend.
    ⁃ Another version of this smoothing brush is /br blendball (radius).

  • To disable brushes:
    ⁃ If you are wanting to disable the brush you have applied to your tool, just do /br none.

| The //mask command
With this command you can bind your brush to edit a specific/some specific block(s).

To do so, set your brush (all explained above), and hold the item you've put your brush on. Use //mask (block) to set your brush to edit only that specified block. You can also list multiple blocks as a mask if you want, like this: //mask (block),(block),(block).

| The //undo and //redo commands
These commands let you undo or redo your previous action.

To undo your action, you can use //undo or if you would like to undo a certain amount of actions (rather than spamming the command many times) you can use //undo (number). The limit of this command is 10. To redo your action, you can use //redo or if you would like to undo a certain amount of actions (rather than spamming that command many times) you can use //redo (number).

| Block directions, waterlogged, upsidedown stairs, and more

You are able to set your stairs and slabs to be facing directions, put in a certain position on the block or to be waterlogged. You can also choose which way blocks are facing using WorldEdit. The ways in which you do these are all listed below.
  • To set stairs to face a specific direction:
    ⁃ You'll need to use (stair block)[facing=east/north/south/west].
    ⁃ Type '[facing=east/north/south/west]' after the name of the stair block. You only need to choose one of the directions, this will be the direction your stair faces.

  • To set your stairs or slabs to be waterlogged:
    ⁃ You will need to use (stair/slab block)[waterlogged=true/false].
    ⁃ The '[waterlogged=true/false]' tells the game whether you want the stair to be waterlogged or not. It's pretty self explanatory, but the "true" option means that it will be waterlogged, and the "false" option means that it won't be waterlogged.

  • To set your stairs to be upside down:
    ⁃ You will need to use (type of stair)[half=top/bottom].
    ⁃ The '[half=top/bottom]' means that you decide whether the bottom half of the stair will be at the top or bottom. So if you use the option "top", then the stair will be upside down, as you have specified that the bottom half of the stair is on the top, but if you chose "bottom" then it will just be a normal stair.

  • To set your slabs to be at the top or bottom of the full block:
    ⁃ You need to use (type of slab)[type=top/bottom/double].
    ⁃ The '(command)' and '(type of slab)' is the same as the waterlogged option. But the '[type=top/bottom/double]' option will tell the game where you want to slab to be. So, if you use top as your option, then the slab will be placed at the top of the block area, if you use bottom then the slab will be placed at the bottom, and the double means it'll just use a double slab.

  • To set your stairs to be in a certain shape:
    ⁃ You will need to use (type of stair)[shape=inner_left/inner_right/outward_left/outward_right/straight].
    ⁃ Each option is a different style and facing a different way, so the "inner_left" option is corner stair folded inwards, facing left; the "inner_right" one is a corner stair folded inwards, facing right; the "outward_left" one is a corner stair folded outwards, facing left; the "outward_right" is a corner stair folded outwards, facing right; and the "straight" one is just a default stair that isn't folded in anyway.
    ⁃ Here's an example of the different stair types (They are in corresponding order of the list above, from left to right):

  • To set blocks to be facing a certain direction:
    ⁃ To have it facing a certain way, you'd use (block)[axis=y/x/z].
    ⁃ The '(block)' means what block you want, for example oak_log. Then the '[axis=x/y/z]' is the part that tells the game what direction you want the block to face.
    Here is a screenshot of the different directions of logs:

If you specify it to be on the Z axis, it will be facing north and south (left example).
If you specify it to be on the Y axis, it will be facing up and down (middle example).
If you specify it to be on the X axis, it will be facing east and west (right example).

| The //check command
You can use this command to check who edited an area on your plot. It works in the same way as /inspect, but it will only find data on areas that have been edited with WorldEdit.

To use it, type //check whilst holding a tool in your hand, so you can bind the command to it. Right click over the area you want to find the data on, and information about that block will appear in your chat. If you're using it to check who griefed you, you can report it either on Forums or to a staff member that is online at the time (use /list to check the staff online).

| Rollback
Using the rollback command you can undo everything a player has done within the past X minutes. Here's how the command is used: /rollback (player) (radius) (time). So if I were to use /rollback Jeessica 100 10m, this would revert everything player Jeessica has built/removed within the 100 block distance over the past 10 minutes.

| Getting WorldEdit
You can either go onto the server website manually and click on the "Vote" tab at the top, or type /vote while online and click the link in chat. A page that looks like this (see below) will appear on your screen:


You will see a list of all the different voting links you can vote on. As there are 8 links, you are able to get up to 24 hours of WorldEdit everyday on the server. Each link will require you to fill in some information: your username and to verify you aren't a robot. Once you've completed that, you can press 'vote' and receive the WorldEdit permission and the 2 CF Coins.

| Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why is it not working for me?
    ⁃ You might not have access to WorldEdit, meaning you have not voted. If you aren't sure how to vote, you can scroll to the top of the thread and find out how to do so there.
    ⁃ Your requested action may not take place if you have not selected your region.
    ⁃ The block names you have said in your command may be invalid. You can double check what they are using the command /itemdb while the item is in your hand. The block you are using could also be banned to be used in WorldEdit (or in general), or you've simply made a spelling error within the block name you're entering in the command.
    ⁃ Make sure you've put a comma between each block name, if you have listed multiple (this does not apply to commands that don't require a block).
    ⁃ Make sure you've put the percentages before the block name rather than afterwards, if you have listed multiple (this does not apply to commands that don't require a block).

  • What is this command useful for?
    ⁃ Commands such as //rotate, and //flip can be useful for mirroring large areas of builds, or copying an area of your build but you want it to be on the other side of a certain point, you can do so via these two commands.
    ⁃ The //brush and //mask commands are helpful for terraining your plots to look more realistic with your builds.
    ⁃ You can use //set to set an area to the specified block, it is just a quicker way for doing so rather than doing it all by hand.
    ⁃ The //walls command can be used to build up four walls around the selected region much faster than using hands, and/or using //set on each side of the border.
    ⁃ You can use //br (type) to paint areas if you set a //mask to it, or you can use it for terraining your plot with mountains, hills, etc. With //br smooth you can also smooth out the brushes you spawned on your plot to make it more realistic, if you're doing terrain or needed it flatter in general.

  • Why can't I use WorldEdit on the plot I am on?
    ⁃ You can only use WorldEdit on your own plots, and plots you're trusted on. If you aren't on your own plot you can use /p h to teleport to it, or use /p auto to claim one. If you're wanting to be trusted to the plot, you will have to ask the plot owner to use /p trust (your username) to give you permission.

Thank you for reading!

If you found the guide difficult to read or confusing in any way please let me know!
I'm always wanting to make this guide easily accessible for everyone.

This thread is updated regularly.

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